The cam is online sometimes thru the day and always thru late night till. If it is off air when you click in, that is temporary. Please keep checking, especially late.
Goldie has given birth to 9 pups! 4 yellow, 4 black , and 1 tough chocolate. 2 girls are black, and 1 is yellow.
The Chocolate male, two black females, the yellow girl and a yellow male are now reserved. Thank you to the 5 families who have already chosen their new pup! There are two black males, and two yellow males still available.
The pups, eyes, and ears have opened. They are beginning to walk around better, play, bark, growl, chew on each other, and their teeth are arriving! It is also time for another toenail clipping. They love to give licks with their wide tongues. Its pretty funny since their coordination is still way off!
Wednesday, Jan 30th will be 3 weeks. I will weigh them again, give an update as to their progress and they will have their first food mash. This consists of an egg, dog food, (diamond naturals, "extreme athlete") milk replacer, and water, blended to a mash.
We have a new page for our puppies pictures. I will start moving a few of the ones on this page, since it takes so long to load. We also have a few new pictures of Ranger and Goldie on there that turned out very nice.
Pup growth Weights
Goldie and Ranger's puppies are here!
Whelped: January 9 2008!!
Here are the 1st three weeks of weights starting from original birth weights.
Coat ~ Sex~ Ribbon color~ Birth~ Day 1~ Day 2~ 1 wk 3 days~3 WEEKS
1.Yellow Male, black ribbon 14oz~ 16oz~ 20oz~ 3lb 3~6lbs *Reserved
2. Black Male, Yellow/(l-green) 16oz ~ 16oz~ 20 oz~ 2lb 4~5lb 12oz
3. Black Male, Red 14.2~ 14 oz~ 17oz~ 2lb 9~5lbs 12oz
4. Black Female, Pink 15.3~ 18 oz~ 3lb 8 ~ 6lb 12oz~*Reserved*
5. Yellow Female, Orange 14oz~ 14oz~ 18oz~ 2 lb 8~5lbs 8oz *Reserved
6. Chocolate Male, no ribbon 16oz~ 18oz~ 20 oz~ 3lb 8 ~6lbs 13oz*Reserved*
7. Yellow Male, Brown 13oz ~13.5 ~16oz ~3 lbs~6lbs
8. Yellow Male, lite Blue/(lav) 14oz~ 16oz~ 17oz~ 2lb 8~6lbs 3oz
9. Black Female, Green 15.2 ~15oz~ 20oz~ 3lb~6lbs 8oz *Reserved*
Thank you to those who have reserved their future companion. May God Bless you and your dogs life together. It is our prayer that your pup, will be, "that dog of a lifetime", you've always wanted. Lord Willing! Deo Volente!
A bit about our Labs!
"We are a small-scale, breeder with a reputation for producing sound, well-balanced, quality, Labrador Retrievers."
Our Dogs:
Sergeant Ranger Airborne
Our Black male, is of the English bloodlines and confirmation show type. Standing at 88 lbs, he carries both yellow and chocolate recessive genes. His confirmation is correct, very stoutly muscled, having a nice length in body, well set out barrel with no excessive fat or skin. His head is blocky with a nice nose length and thickness. His neck, shoulders and hips are awesomely made for strength. His eyes are very expressive.Ranger's lineage includes many champions in show confirmation, master, junior, hunter, companion dog, working dogs, and pointed champions that you can easily find on the internet. He is from a wonderful line of good to excellent, OFA certified hip pedigrees. Ranger's hips also are OFA certified, "Good", as well! His temperment is loving, loyal, willing to work, very forward, having a straight, proud carriage keen sense of sport, and endurance.OFA Link to Rangers certification:http://www.offa.org/results.html?all=LR-164882G63M-NOPI&x=4&y=3
Here is our sweet yellow girl!
Goldie's Lockz o' Gold
Our yellow female, is of the American type and stands 103 lbs at 2 yrs. Her lineage includes many successful gun dogs and is a great grand-daughter of a master Hunter on her paternal side. Her conformation includes, large bone, nice soft coat, strong, with a confident straight gait. Goldie has yet to have her hips certified due to her just turning 2. OFA will not certify a dogs hips until they are over 2 years old. However, her MOM'S hips are OFA certified Good
Goldie is a exceptionally loving, gentle yet powerful, so very sweet, with goof-ball antics. She is very willing to listen, and absolutely hates to disappoint. She likes to watch airplanes and birds. Goldie's quality of disposition, strong bone, and pristine coat, is consistently passed on to her pups. She produces healthy, correct, quality pups, of all three colors. Puppies are due January 11th 2008!!
Our Lab History
We got our first Black Lab, "Nig", in the fall of 1986 and have loved them ever since! He was the best I have ever known. Nig could hunt dove, rabbit, ducks, coon, stray dogs, and protect us from copperhead snakes! He was a small dude and didnt take nothin off of any other dog! I loved that boy!
He was a legend all around our area. Since then, we have kept Labs. Later on after Nig succumed to Endio Carditis, a disease he caught from a tick, my husband allowed me to purchase another black lab named Champ. He was a sweet loving friend. Loved to race us on the 4 wheeler and the horses! After him, We bought Charlie. Right away I knew this boy was destined to be something more than a country dog. He was just too smart! So, after careful consideration and unselfish tears, we donated our beloved Charlie to the "Dogs for the Disabled", service. Their trainer ranked him on her top 4th disposition she had ever trained for the service. We are so proud of him! The Lord above has blessed us so much. That was 8 years ago and he is still working!
We now are embarking on breeding our two top labs, Ranger, and Goldie. Upon their disposition and pedigree, and God willing, we plan to breed for service dog work and sell the others for companion dogs. However, we sure would love to see our dog's pups in the show ring or the field bringing back a duck as well!
No true signs of Pups just yet with Goldie. SHe is over 85lbs of Amazon and has plenty of room to be hidin them.
Rangers OFA certification of his hips came back listed GOOD. Whew!! Great news!!!
I have one of the chocolate male labs from Ranger and Sally.
How wonderful to hear from you tdmfl! I would love to see pictures of Rangers pup that you have! Can you send me pictures? I love his babies and want to keep a scrap book as well! Oh and tell me about his/her personality!! Thanks!
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